Spring GDS Taxation Insight into Brazil

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Are you shipping goods into Brazil?

This document provides important information outlining the August 2023 change to shipping e-commerce items into Brazil with a value below $50 USD. You will gain a better understanding of taxes and fees and how to ensure compliance with local regulations. Below outlines all the information the document covers:

  • PRC (Programa Remesa Conforme da Receita) registration

  • B2C (business to consumer) without PRC registration

  • C2C (customer to customer) items

  • HS codes / Tariff codes

  • Tax ID recipient (CPF/CNPJ)

  • How to supply the PRC and CPF/CNPJ number in the manifest

  • Customs Clearance fees

  • Exempted books and personal medications

  • De Minimis value of USD 50

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Although the material has been prepared with the utmost care, it is only intended to provide general information about legal rules, practices and procedures. It can by no means be regarded as accounting, tax, legal or other professional advice. For that reason, users cannot derive any rights from or claim the correctness and completeness of the content of the material made available by Spring GDS G3 Worldwide Mail NV or any affiliated entity. Any form of liability for any damage resulting from the consultation of the material is expressly rejected. In all cases, it is recommended that the user obtains (local) advice about its own (tax) position.

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