The Folio Society
Improved targeting and return on direct marketing and investment

About their business
Founded in London in 1947, The Folio Society publishes carefully crafted editions of the world's finest literature. Folio promotes its publications via multi-channel marketing to customers worldwide.
Folio Society books offer a rich literary experience to readers of all ages and have been working with Spring for over 20 years.
Customer challenges – timing is everything!
- The US is Folio’s largest market alongside the UK, followed by Canada, Australia and Rest of World. To assist the delivery experience and targeting, Folio were looking to expand their postal 'in home' mail pack monitor program for all international campaigns.
- Visibility of mail pack ‘in home’ drop patterns is a priority for campaign planning, customer services and business sales reporting.
What they did with Spring UK
Spring deliver a priority mail delivery service for all international campaigns. All off-line campaigns run on a fortnightly promotion schedule and are collected from multiple 3rd party UK mailing houses. Spring manages transport and postal distribution to destination countries worldwide.
Spring provide cost effective Tier 1 routing options via partner postal authorities based on Folio's mail profile.
Spring provided 'seed addresses’ for Folio to mail and monitor performance feedback on worldwide postal deliveries.
The additional seed reporting list has paid dividends to Folio, providing mail pack visibility and confidence in the service within individual countries. As a result Folio’s marketing team plan their campaigns with a greater degree of 'fall to earth' accuracy, which in turn informs the online 'go live' campaign schedule. Great timing, even better return on investment!